Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More Lizzie

This is Lizzie playing with Monkey's tail...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Joe's adopted kitten, Lizzie!

Here's the first photo of Joe's new adopted kitten, Lizzie! Trust me, there will be a lot more!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Phoebe's New Doggie Play Yard

My sweet Phoebe dog now has a new, huge play yard attached to her kennel!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

During a Pause in the Storm

It's been storming, on and off, for 36 hours. When it finally let up a little, this afternoon, I went out. I saw the wonderful water droplets on this leaf and was so focused on shooting them, that I didn't notice the fact that it was actually impaled on a blade of grass!

Nature has a way of making even ugly things, like this rusty rebar, beautiful.

Standing under a tree, to keep from getting dripped on, I looked up and saw the wonderful texture of its bark and these interesting wrinkles.

As it started to storm again, I took one last shot of this lovely, lush green hosta, where maple seeds had fallen.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Grandmother's Irises...

These irises have a special history...

My grandmother planted them on her family farm, in Winter Wisconsin. When her children were grown and she and Grandpa moved south to Stoughton, she couldn't bear to leave them, so brought some with her. When Grandpa died, she planted some at his grave, in Clinton WI. By the time Grandma died, at 101 years old, in 1997, her irises had spread all over the cemetery. So, we took a few, brother, my mother and I.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Learning about yellow-bellied sapsuckers...

I saw this bird, for the first time, yesterday. I think it's a young yellow-bellied sapsucker. It looks like the photo in the book, anyway, but without the red markings.

After learning that sapsuckers make holes that drip sap and attract insects, I went and took a look at the tree and...yep, holes dripping sap and lots of insects!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My nephew and I were out in the front yard, talking with 2 of the neighbors and watching nervously as Alliant Energy chopped up one of their trees. Just in that short amount of time, I caught all of these little guys...none of them ruffled at all, by the noise...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dane County WI

Yesterday, I went down to Stoughton, near where I grew up. I go there several times, in the Spring, waiting for the cranes and heron. But, also I like to walk in the woods my Grandmother used to send me out into, when I was little.

In the Marsh:

The woods were beautiful as always...but, it sad to see how little respect people have for them. I'm going back next weekend to clean them up.

...and a couple of shots, in between...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Red-winged Blackbird

I went looking for geese, this morning, but found this beautiful red-winged blackbird. It was fascinating watching him defend his territory.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photos from Home....

Freezing Fog 2 by *kbcollins on deviantART

The above photo was taken 1/4 mile up the road from me. I've been sorting photos into collections, starting with the ones I've taken right here on my own property. See what you think. I'd appreciate hearing any opinions!
Photos from my own 3 acres...
My general collection is HERE.